Peb lub tuam txhab ua haujlwm vuam neeg sib tw pom zoo sib tw: 1. Nrog lubrication lub system. 2. Motor is UK brand Invertek. 3. VFD rotary speed control, improving the reliability of operation. 4. Inverter and Main electric elements are Siemens/Schneider or equal brand. 5. Txais kev soj ntsuam ua ntej de ...
Zoo siab tau mus koom lub rooj sib tham ntawm Lincoln Electric Hluav Taws Xob Chaw Haujlwm los tham txog kev sib tham txog Lincoln fais fab tau qhov twg nrog peb kem nyob ua ke. Tam sim no peb tuaj yeem muab cov xaim pom ib qho hlau nrog Lincoln DC-600, DC-1000 lossis TC-1000. Vuam koob yees duab saib xyuas, ...